
These are a few links we think you may be interested in as well.  part of the USDA Forest Service Children’s Forest Network. At Rensselaer Youth Outdoors we focus on fostering meaningful connections to nature for youth and families throughout Rensselaer County. Rensselaer Plateau Alliance is a coalition of local organizations, trail users and private land owners who envision a wildlife corridor of protected land on the Rensselaer Plateau, connecting existing State Forests, State Parks,private easement lands, and the County’s Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center. This corridor would preserve the large forest blocks and wildlife habitat, while also increasing opportunities for economic development, recreation, tourism and the growth of forest products industry. Rensselaear Land Trust, as of January 1, 2024, has merged with the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance, is a not-for profit organized exclusively for the purposes of preserving and protecting real property in Rensselaer County, property which can be shown to possess significant natural features, scenic vistas, historical or archaeological significance, open spaces, natural habitats or agricultural value; by obtaining, possessing or exercising control over these areas and making them available for public purposes, and of promoting their preservation and appropriate use. The Rensselaer County Conservation Alliance is dedicated to fostering all interests, material or otherwise, pertaining to the development and expansion of conservation as applied to reforestation, propagation of fish and game, and development of suitable areas in the county for public park purpose. The RCCA provides a platform for the people of Rensselaer County to express their recreational needs and concerns pertaining to forests, public parks, and fish and game. The organization also serves as a vehicle to work in cooperation with the NYS DEC (Dept. of Environmental Conservation) on issues that our residents have regarding policy, laws, public land access, and land management. : A National Citizen Science website where you can submit your own bird observations and also see cool migration maps, range maps and what is being observed in your location.