Become a Friend (Member)
Download the brochure at this link to find out how you can become a part of the Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center.Call the Center for more information at
(518) 658-2055 or e-mail
Friends of Dyken Pond brochure 2024
A not-for-profit organization, the Friends of the Dyken Pond Center, Ltd. was created in 1991 to be a support group for the Center. It is designed to enhance the education, research, and appreciation of the natural resources found at the Center. Your membership in this organization will sponsor the continued variety of public education programs. Benefits- As a friend of Dyken Pond you will receive a discount on all programs and special promotions, invitations to special Dyken Pond events, notice of workshops, and our heartfelt thanks!
Yes, I would like to help Dyken Pond continue to improve its programs through membership in the following category:
Become a member with PayPal:
OR Copy the form below (download here) and mail in with your check:
__ Student (high school or college students with no children) $10
__ Individual $20
__ Family (adults with children and/or other family members) $30
__ Supporting Member $50
__ Contributor $100
__ Lifetime $500
Memberships are eligible to receive the FODP oval bumper sticker.
Please indicate if you would like to receive this sticker with your paid membership or donation.
____I would like the sticker
____I would like to volunteer. Please contact me.
____I would like to be on a committee to help our board members with goals for the Center. Please contact me.
Address ________________________________________
City _________________________ Zip_____________
Enclosed is my check for $_______________
Friends of the Dyken Pond Center, Ltd.
475 Dyken Pond Rd.
Cropseyville, New York 12052